Sarah hungrily feasts on your dick once again, Sucking and slurping away to get to the salty goodness.

Later on that day the supplement arrived in the post, They were in tablet form and the label read “ Take one tablet one hour before intercourse for heavy ejaculation, Be warned, Supplement may enlarge penis to monstrous proportion”  You think ‘Fuck yeah” and take two tablets and within an hour you had a stinking hard on twice the size of normal, So much blood was pumping into the end of your cock you thought it was going to explode, You walked over to Sarah J with your monster hard on and started rubbing it across her face saying ‘feeding time bitch, Masters got a fat load for my favourite slave

Yummy, So big and hard master, she said as she struggled to get her hands around your fat shaft and fit it In her desperate mouth.

Your cock was trembling, pulsating with pleasure, You had a long hard vein running across the bottom of your shaft twice the size as normal, You were beating Sarah across her face with your huge meat.

The supplement worked its magic, You busted five times the amount of cum drenching this slut from head to toe as she slurped and licked up as much cum as she could, The bitch was happy, You drained your balls over an eager submissive slut and you were happy, feeding time for Sarah J was much more appealing now.


Is my favourite slave happy now? Feeding on my big nuts! My balls hurt from cumming so hard, You’d better suck them better for master.

Sarah J..

Yes master! Your favourite slut is happy, Thank you for your delicious cum from your sexy big dick, Next time fuck me in my ass and I will shit out your thick load into a glass and drink it master!