Name.. Jade Jones

Age.. 18

Occupation.. Student

Sexual skill.. Oral

Location.. Tracey’s house (free roam)

Description.. Jade Jones is Alisha’s half sister, Same mother but with different father’s, Alisha’s mother fell pregnant with Jade around the same time Alisha fell pregnant with Kerris, Jade is Kerris’s auntie but she is only two months older than Kerris, Jade sucked your cock once while you were both drunk at the end of a family gathering and you still regret it till this day, You plastered her pretty young face with your thick cum and she took a video of herself smearing your cum over her lips and into her mouth capturing you in frame also as evidence of your lewd act you performed on your loving girlfriend’s sister, Jade uses this to blackmail you luring you in to fulfil her sexual desires, Jade loves to suck on your cock and stuff her little pussy with it, When Jade calls’ you have to attend to her needs, Your entire relationship depends on it, You really are trapped in the clutches of this kinky little bitches hands.