Name.. Unknown

Age.. 39

Occupation.. Unknown

Sexual skill.. Dominatrix

Location.. Free roam/Night club

Description.. Known only by the police as the black widow, A serial killer of men with over 100 confirmed kills and still at large, Not much is known about this mysterious individual but police intelligence suggests that she may have ties with the Evans mafia family, The black widow is a woman of many disguises and thought to be very wealthy although her source of income is not yet verified, The black widow captures her unsuspected male victims and sexually tortures them keeping them alive for weeks to prolong her victim’s suffering until the brink of death where she either leaves them chained up to die of starvation or in most cases according to police reports she mutilates the victim’s genitals, This is a character you would do well to avoid, No victim has ever escaped the clutches of the black widow and lived to tell the tale.